What if your husband cheated on the sex doll

Is the sex doll in your bed just a fantasy or reality? According to the BBC, a top-selling product in Japan’s sex industry is a $6,000 silicon doll that men can defile and have sex with as an alternative to a real-life woman. The one drawback? They can’t be repaired after enough rough usage. “They’re not just for sexual release,” said Hideo Tsuchiya, managing director of doll maker Orient Industry. “They offer emotional comfort and companionship. Some people start out using them because they feel they can’t communicate with a human being.”

That's why most husbands won't even consider selling their dolls once they are finished with them: People want intimacy and there are some husbands that think these dolls are possible solution

A top-selling product in Japan’s sex industry is a $6,000 silicon doll that men can defile and have sex with as an alternative to a real-life woman.

There is a drawback to owning your own sex doll, though. They can’t be repaired after enough rough usage. It’s the same reason why you shouldn’t buy a used car from the dusty lot at your local dealership. You never know what kind of history that vehicle has had before it came into your possession.

If your husband uses her long enough, she will eventually break down and no longer be able to provide him with pleasure anymore. She will become damaged beyond repair and there's nothing you can do about it because she was made by someone else (just like any other manufactured product). That means he'll have to throw her away or take her back for repairs which will cost him more money than if he had just bought himself some new ones instead! And when I say "cost" what I really mean is "waste." He could've spent all that time enjoying something new instead of repairing an old one over and over again only for it still not work correctly afterward."

“They’re not just for sexual release,” said Hideo Tsuchiya, managing director of doll maker Orient Industry. “They offer emotional comfort and companionship. Some people start out using them because they feel they can’t communicate with a human being.”

Dolls are not just for sex. They can be used for companionship and emotional comfort. Some people start out using them because they feel they can’t communicate with a human being, or that the person who meant a lot to them is gone.

But what if your husband cheated on you with his doll? Do you get to kick it off the bed? Throw it in the trash? What if he says “no, honey…we’re just good friends!” How do you react when your husband says such things?

That’s why most men won’t even consider selling their dolls once they are finished with them.

As you can imagine, this can be a very difficult situation for a husband. And that’s why most men won’t even consider selling their dolls once they are finished with them.

That’s not to say that some men don't sell their dolls after use. In fact, many do so immediately in order to avoid any feelings of guilt or resentment towards the doll and/or wife (if one exists). However, it should be noted that there are also cases where men keep their dolls long after they have stopped using them sexually—sometimes even years later!

For these reasons and others beside I believe that artificial intelligence will eventually replace real women and create an entirely new form of human interaction which has never existed before: one where no true emotions are involved at all because everything is on a purely physical level only

People want intimacy and there are some husbands that think these dolls are a possible solution.

If you're a woman who's married to a man, chances are you've heard him say things like "I just want to be able to have sex with someone." This can lead to some uncomfortable conversations about how he needs physical intimacy in his life.

If you've been dating for awhile, or have been married for a while, it's likely that at some point he will bring up the fact that he wants sex from you but doesn't get it from you anymore. This can be especially difficult if your husband has been cheating on the doll and starts talking about wanting more than just sex from his wife.


I think it is important for us to consider the possibility that our husbands may be looking for companionship from other sources. If you are reading this and suspect that your husband is cheating on you, please try to understand why he might have done so. You can even ask him what his reasons are before confronting him about it. It may be hard at first but in time he will open up and tell you everything







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